Why is the keto diet so complicated?

Great question! I don’t have “the” answer except that social media is both a blessing and a curse when it comes down to it.

I started out slow, doing my own research, and then figuring out how to implement the diet into my lifestyle.

Again, I started this diet because I hit “rock bottom.” I watched the documentary “The Magic Pill” on Netflix and that was super eye-opening. Give it a watch if you can find it!

I started looking at what I was eating every day and once you start LOOKING for carbs in your diet, you are going to be amazed at where they hide (ketchup was the most surprising for me).  Tell me in the comments what was the most surprising carb-loaded food for you!


– Coffee

So I started with my coffee. I used to be one of those “extra extra” Dunkin’ Donuts girls. #ifyouknowyouknow. And I knew I had to start there. So I quit buying coffee cold turkey. I started making it at home and got sugar free creamer immediately. Reading the labels made me aware of just how small 2 tablespoons of sugarfree creamer actually was (5g carbs). I moved on and called it a win. 

– Breakfast

I used to eat 2 packets of maple & brown sugar oatmeal every day. As a breastfeeding WORKING mama, who barely produced enough milk, now I was pumping every 2-3 hours at work praying to god that I would make more than she drank while I was away. They say oatmeal helps you make milk, so I was eating over 50g of CARBS JUST FOR MY BREAKFAST in hopes of being a milk machine (FYI – no dip in supply once I cut the oatmeal!). Woahhhh Nelly! So I went down to 1 packet and then eventually got rid of the 2nd packet and started eating already cooked bacon paired with 2 hard-boiled eggs and a few slices of cheese. (plus everything but the bagel seasoning – I put that sh*t on everything, sorry Frank’s).

– Lunch

Lunch was leftovers from dinner the night before or lunch meat wrapped with cheese, cream cheese and pickles with some nuts! Lunch was probably the easiest meal to transition into because I had to prepare for it before I started keto regardless!

– Dinner

ONE DISH CASSEROLES were my favorite – still are! I tell people who ask how to get started: pick a fat and a protein and a green veggie! 

Some people get sooo thrown for a loop when it comes down to vegetables and keto!

MOSTLY CORRECT RULE: if you can eat it straight off the plant without cooking it – it’s keto/low carb (broccoli, zucchini, cauliflower).

If you have to cook it to consume it, it’s probably high in carbs – corn, potatoes, beans! 

Here are some examples of one dish casseroles I would make:

chicken breast, sour cream, cheddar cheese, sliced zucchini.

ground beef, sour cream, cheddar cheese, asparagus.

venison, heavy whipping cream, parm cheese, broccoli.

(other favorites/go to’s: stuffed peppers, cauli rice, cheese steak bowls).

I would brown the meat, throw it in a 9×12 glass dish, cover with aluminum foil and bake it at 375 for 25 minutes and check it from there.


This was my first stab at the keto diet before ketones entered or intermittent fasting. My days look MUCH different than when I first started my journey into ketosis.


Hope this was helpful!