My story!


Thanks ya’ll for stopping by! To be totally honest with you, I wasn’t sure how to blog or what to blog, but last night as I was trying to fall asleep, I at least decided I needed to start somewhere (and apparently with a huge run-on sentence!).

So here we go! My name is Jamie Hill – I live in Southern New Jersey with my husband of almost 6 years, and our 2 daughters – who are 14 months apart.

I am originally from central Jersey and met my husband at college (will save that for another post!) and moved down here to be with him.  We also have 2 rescued pitbulls, 9 chickens and a cat named Tigger.

We just purchased our dream home in November and have been living through renovations…again, another post! 🙂

Back to my story…

I am the youngest of 3 daughters and live the furthest from my family – which, in all actuality is less than 1.5 hours, so still pretty close.

I skipped a year of high school, got my BA in Criminal Justice and just quit my full-time job as a manager at a compounding veterinary pharmacy. I was there for 8.5 years and the decision was tough, but no looking back!

I am left-handed and a full type 3 on the enneagram (do you know your number?). My personality is a full red, but I am learning how to be flexible and absorb all colors to be an amazing leader and inspiration to those around me – especially my babies. (Being a mom is the hardest job I’ve ever had!).

Achieving has always been at the forefront of my brain. I work with a total “what’s next” mentality. Checking things off of my to-do list brings me pure joy. (Sometimes I will write down things I already accomplished before I started my list, just so I can check them off #guilty).

I have always been a planner – so much so, my pregnancies were scheduled to the month (well, except my first born was 6 days late and born in June instead of May!). I love waking up, setting my day with intention (another post – A morning in the life of me..!), and blocking my time to ensure a) all my tasks are at least being written down, b) I’m working my business, c) spending uninterrupted time with my kids and d) spending uninterrupted time with myself! Oh and scheduling date night twice a month. (Do you make time for YOU? I’m not talking a shower…I’m talking real, actual TIME to just sit with you and your own thoughts).

My childhood was not ideal, and it took until having kids of my own to realize that it’s never to late to talk out or about your issues, see a therapist, and really learn how to navigate the waters of parenthood. I feel that my purpose in life is to break all of the generational chains of: addiction, racism, alcoholism, and poverty for my kids. I thought money was unobtainable & nothing I would ever have, success would never be something for a kid like me. I thought abuse was something everyone encountered and didn’t understand that I was and AM the author of my own story. I am so blessed all of that has changed. I am so blessed my children will never fall victim to some of the awful things I encountered as a child!

You are in control of ensuring you rise from the ashes and pave a future for yourself and your children if you are not happy with the life you were born into!

My purpose is to show my babes that working hard, being genuine and taking time to smell the roses is the “secret sauce” to finding your zest for life! I love asking them “what do they want to be when they grow up,” and when they answer with “happy” – well that’s just the best thing I could possibly hear.

I hope we all find our niche here as I take off on this blogging journey and would absolutely love your feedback or to answer any questions you have for me!


Stay tuned for more!
